Sunday, July 13, 2008

July on Gamboola

As my internet time is pretty limited (less than an hour, every 8-9 days) I decided to copy the bulk of a message I just sent to one of my friends to the blog. That might be cheating, but it's the only way I was going to have time to put something up here!

This weekend we had a big aussie bbq out on the station with a few blokes from Cairns, a great change of pace for a night! Last week my boss and I completed our first and main round of fence work(600 miles worth) that began over two months ago, so that feels nice to have accomplished. It's the middle of winter here, so lucky for me the afternoons got down to a mild 84 degrees F the other day. Jeez, summer will really kill me here, with temps constantly over 110 and humidity you can cut through with a knife.. but the whole point of being out here I guess was in a way I felt like I was getting a bit too 'soft' in the city, and wanted a place to harden up, and this place offers as good a challenge as any for it!
The weeks seem to be slipping by pretty fast here. We work 6 full days a week and take Sunday off, which I usually take advantage of by lounging around, playing guitar, and reading some Tom Clancy. This week we had a couple of real solid blokes from Cairns hangin around, so we all went fishing on a 'secret' part of the Mitchel River this morning. No fish, but still had a great time talkin and relaxing.

Quite a bit of time out here I will completly love it and completly hate it at the same time. I guess hate is the wrong word, but the duality of the emotion is still overwhelming. It's hard work and the isolation is pretty taxing, plus the cumlative effect of all the subtle cultural differences that remind me that 'home' is something far away... but at the same time I'm absoultly loving the challenge, the people, and the landscape. I don't have to remind myslef that for years to come I'd kick myself if I didn't soak up every moment of my time out here to the fullest..

every day when we stop for to have our lunch under some tree along the river or elsewhere, we always survey the surroundings, sit down, and ask eachother 'I wonder what all the people in the cities are doing right now?.... poor bastards'.


Dianne (aussies) said...

Dakotah, We are excited to see any communications from you.. so copy away.

I am sure the isolation can be tough while also rewarding.
Keep building those "fantastic memories".
Miss you!!
Love Mum

Yangtse Wines said...

We're driving 45 minutes each way in heavy traffic just to get to work. Sitting at our desks and seeing nothing but the inside of office buildings every day, then taking the 45 minute drive home - where we rush to have dinner & do a few chores before we go to bed. and now you know what we're doing ;-p